Collaborate for humanity.
November 2013.
Collaboration is when people work together toward a common objective. But does this cooperation always benefit everyone involved? How is collaboration organized in fields like communication, transportation, medicine, and for a society as a whole? How can we collaborate for humanity? These were the issues we brought up on this special evening.
- Leslie Hawthorn: „The rules of engagement“ [YouTube]
- Bert Helbig: „Hör! Mir! Zu! Warum wir gute Kommunikation lieben“ [YouTube]
- Milos Maricic: „We can forget it for you wholesale“ [YouTube]
- Thien Ngoc Tran Nguyen: „Buntes Treiben im Nasenvorhof“ [YouTube]
- Christof Horn: „Network companies and company networks“ [YouTube]
- Ralf Thomas: „Verkehr (in Stuttgart) … Tatsachen, Besonderheiten und die Zukunft“ [YouTube]
- Alexander Schröder: „Das Böse als Quelle der Menschlichkeit“ [YouTube]
- Helmut Schmid: „Theaterarbeit von und für sozial benachteiligte Menschen“ [YouTube]
- Jonathan Tilley: „What creativity is trying to tell you“ [YouTube]
- Ross Fisher: „Inspiration: is this what you are looking for?“ [YouTube]