Professionally, Milos has worked for and collaborated with some of the world’s major media houses and think tanks in London and New York. On a personal level, he has been involved with grassroots movements across the globe, from the US to Indonesia to Argentina, helping them define the strategy and spread the message by balancing the political and the artistic in their activism. For a long time fascinated by the mind and fundamental human-to-human interaction, he has spent years volunteering in mental health institutions. Milos speaks eight languages, and currently lives in Geneva, Switzerland, where he works for a renowned international humanitarian organization.
Milos Maricic: We can forget it for you wholesale
In a hyper-connected world everything we do and say has consequences, however remote — it affects our relationships and the way people perceive us. Maybe for some of us this means we are always playing a “role,” never truly expressing the last bit of who we are; however the need for total expression may be an innate human trait. So what would you do if someone gave you a chance to say anything you like into a black hole, knowing it would be forgotten forever? Well one project offers exactly that. Milos will talk about its amazing journey from the very beginnings in a NYC neighborhood to a global organization currently operating on five continents.