Name: Mark Mattingley-Scott
Age: 58 Jahre alt
Occupation: Ingenieur
Residence: Heidelberg
- Describe yourself in 1-2 sentences!
Obsessed with technology since the day my grandmother allowed me to deconstruct her valve-tv - What do you like about the TED/TEDx format?
That the majority of talks are factual and scientifically rigorous. - What do you associate with our motto, “[de]construct the x”?
Transparent and communicative. - What is the topic of your talk and why are you passionate about it?
Quantum Computing, because it stretches the barriers of human knowledge. - How did you hear about TEDxStuttgart?
They invited me! - How’s the preparation going for your TEDxStuttgart 2020?
In an exam I would fail, but I am working on it. - What’s your biggest motivation to get up every morning?
Discovering and understanding the world around me. - What is the biggest change you expect to see in the world within the next 10 years?
I hope for much more love in the world. - What was the biggest challenge in your life so far?
Being a single father. - Tell us a wisdom / wise saying that you believe is true.
Change begins and ends by questioning and working on yourself.